The 公共管理硕士 Program at University of West Georgia is a professional degree program that relates academic study to administrative practice. The curriculum is designed for those individuals who are either now in the public service or who are seeking a career in government or nonprofit agencies. 

欲了解更多信息,请参阅 Academic Catalog.

Start Your Journey Today


The MPA program is designed: (1) to augment the skills and knowledge of those already in the public service; (2) to provide a professional graduate degree program to meet the growing need for many additional skilled, knowledgeable public administrators; (3) to encourage students to pursue careers in government by providing public administration education; and (4) to equip superior students for research and study at the doctoral level.

Program Location


Method of Delivery

Courses are 100% online. 这个项目的面对面模式已经取消了. 


The University of West Georgia is accredited by The Southern Association of Colleges and 院校委员会(SACSCOC).

这个项目是由公共政策学校网络认证的, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA).

Credit and transfer

转学学分评估将由澳门新普京注册转学小组( 课程申请须经院系审核.

研究生可以通过以下方式来降低成本 prior learning,以前在澳门新普京注册获得的学位,或转学分. We have created a tool 帮助学生估算他们的学费.                

该课程完全在线提供. Though a student may choose to sign-up for a face-to-face elective or core course, 你完全可以在网上获得这个学位.

Save money

澳门新普京注册 is often ranked as one of the most affordable accredited university of its kind, 无论选择何种交付方式. In addition, online courses and programs can mean a huge cost-savings in many non-evident ways: No more high gas charges. No childcare needed. 这种灵活性可以让一个人在上学的同时保持一份工作. 无论居住在哪个州, out-of-state non-resident students are not charged non-resident tuition for online course credit hours.


  • 总学费和费用可能会有所不同, depending on the instructional method of the courses in which the student chooses to enroll.
  • 一个学生在一个学期里修的课程越多, 他们通常会节省更多的费用和总成本.
  • Face-to-Face or partially online courses are charged at the general tuition rate and all mandatory campus fees, 根据学生的居住情况(非居民收费更高).
  • Fully or entirely online course tuition rates and fees my vary depending on the program. 参加在线课程的学生不需要支付非居民学费.
  • Together this means that GA residents pay about the same if they take all face-to-face or partially online courses as they do if they take only fully online courses exclusively; while non-residents save money by taking fully online courses.
  • One word of caution: If a student takes a combination of face-to-face and online courses in a single term, 他们将支付所有强制性的校园费用和更高的学费.
  • 有关费用信息以及付款截止日期,请参阅 学生账户和账单服务网站

学生有各种各样的经济援助选择, 包括奖学金和勤工俭学项目. Visit the 财政援助办公室的网站 for more information.


选修课程(12小时):经课程顾问批准, 每个学生必须在核心课程之外选择12个学时. 田径课程可以从不同的部门. 一般来说,选修课应该形成一个连贯的整体. Examples of track emphases include planning, management, and particular areas of public policy. Students not working in the public sector will take a Public Administration Internship in lieu of one elective class. 

The Comprehensive Research Project (3 hours) is taken at the completion of the degree program. A research paper analyzing a policy or program in Public Administration will be completed by the student.


A hands-on practical course in how governments collect and spend tax dollars and with what effects. Theories of budgeting are examined for their usefulness in the daily realities of the government budgeting setting. 通过课堂小组作业, 学生学习用经济数据构建预算, write policy statements, 并表现出对资本预算的理解, 现金与会计原则.


什么是优秀的管理员? An examination of dilemmas and hard choices in public administration looked at from three conflicting perspectives: the good person, the good administrator, and the good citizen. topics include personal versus organizational responsibility; professional expertise versus democratic accountability; authority and culpability; and the relation between bureaucratic knowledge and the power it fosters.


Research techniques and computer applications relevant to public and nonprofit agencies. The design, data collection, and analysis component of the research process are emphasized.


A survey of the major theories of organizational design and behavior with an emphasis on comparisons of public, private, and nonprofit agencies.


Concepts, techniques of analysis and evaluation methods for the design and assessment of public policy and programs.


A detailed study, 通过案例和宪法争议的方式, legal, ethical, 以及规范公务员行为的行政原则, the course examines cases from both federal and state administrative experience.


对过程的检查, policies, 以及有关公共人员的法律, the course analyzes issues concerning personnel administrators including employee protection, motivation, and efficiency.


在学生完成学位课程时获得. Students not employed in public service will complete a 3-month internship in a governmental agency. 需要一份出境文件. 它将分析机构面临的一个实际问题, describe the problem-solving and decision-making processes involved in the solution, 评估所做决定的支持性证据. Finally, the paper will evaluate linkages between the internship or work experience for the in-service student, classroom materials, 公共管理文学. 必须在学生委员会面前对论文进行口头答辩. 在职学生将获得3个小时的学分, 职前学生可以获得3到6个小时的学分.


Anthony Fleming

Anthony Fleming

Associate Professor & Chair

Vanessa Woodward Griffin, Ph.D.

Vanessa Woodward Griffin, Ph.D.

Professor of Criminology

Sooho Lee

Sooho Lee

Professor & 公共行政研究生协调员

Karen Owen, Ph.D.

Karen Owen, Ph.D.

Dean of University College and Honors College, Associate Professor, and Director of the Thomas B. Murphy Center

Technology Learning Center
Room 3234
Paul Rutledge, Ph.D.

Paul Rutledge, Ph.D.


Guidelines for Admittance

  • 所有研究生申请者都必须填写 online Graduate Application. 一次性申请费为40美元.
  • Applicants should also review the Graduate Studies Website for individual program specific requirements and tasks that must be completed prior to admission. See 研究生申请流程.
  • International applicants are subject to additional requirements and application deadlines. See 国际学生手续.
  • Official transcripts from all post-secondary schools attended are required and should be sent directly to the 澳门新普京注册 Graduate Admissions Office.


  • 两封以前的教授或工作主管的推荐信.
  • A minimum 2.5累积平均成绩(GPA)相当于4分.0 scale
  • 描述你工作经历的个人陈述, professional goals, 你选择这个项目的原因, why you want to attend 澳门新普京注册, 以及MPA项目将如何帮助你实现你的目标.
  • A current resume

Application Deadlines

具体的研究生入学截止日期可通过 Graduate School

Posted deadline includes Application, app fee, and all supplemental items/documents.

See The Scoop for more specific deadlines.

Admission Process Checklist

一个例外:如果你永远不会前往澳门新普京注册校园或网站, 你可以申请免疫豁免. Contact the Immunization Clerk with your request.


Graduate Admissions

University College
Dr. Sooho Lee, MPA Director

具体入学日期(仅限本科生), Financial Aid, Fee Payment, Registration, Start/End of Term Dates, Final Exams, etc. are available in THE SCOOP.

具体的研究生入学截止日期可通过 Graduate School

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of public service values including ethics, democracy, 宪法原则.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of generalist management techniques and skills.
  • 展示理论与实践联系的知识和理解.