Requirements for a minor in accounting, business administration, 管理 information systems, 经济学, 金融, 管理, 市场营销, 或者房地产专业(非商业专业)的学生必须获得2分.在以下所列学科中,辅修课程的平均成绩为0分.

For more information, please see the Academic Catalog.

Non-Business 专业

Requirements for a minor in accounting, business administration, 管理 information systems, 经济学, 金融, 管理, 市场营销, 或者房地产专业(非商业专业)的学生必须获得2分.在以下所列学科中,辅修课程的平均成绩为0分.

Program Location

卡罗敦 Campus

Method of Delivery

课程 are primarily taught face to face. 有些课程可以部分或全部在线提供,但是,这不是一个在线课程.


澳门新普京注册是由美国南方大学协会认证的 Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

Credit and 转移

Total semester hours required: 15

This program may be earned entirely face-to-face. 然而, depending on the courses chosen, 学生可以选择部分或全部在线学习课程.


澳门新普京注册经常被评为同类大学中最实惠的认可大学之一, regardless of the method of delivery chosen.


  • Total tuition costs and fees may vary, 取决于学生选择参加的课程的教学方法.
  • The more courses a student takes in a single term, 他们通常会节省更多的费用和总成本.
  • 面对面或部分在线课程收取一般学费和所有强制性校园费用, 根据学生的居住情况(非居民收费更高).
  • 完全或完全在线课程的学费和费用因课程而异. 参加在线课程的学生不需要支付非居民学费.
  • Together this means that GA residents pay about the same if they take all face-to-face or partially online courses as they do if they take only fully online courses exclusively; while non-residents save money by taking fully online courses.
  • 提醒一句:如果一个学生在一个学期内同时学习了面对面和在线课程, 他/她将支付所有强制性校园费用和较高的学费费率.
  • 有关费用信息以及付款截止日期,请参阅 Student Accounts and Billing Services website

学生有各种各样的经济援助选择, including scholarships and work study programs. 参观 Office of Financial Aid's website for more information.


道德销售如何融入现代商业的基本调查 & real estate transactions. This course emphasizes selling as a profession, development, and implementation of sales techniques, managing time, and selling your ideas. 实验练习和视频反馈技术在整个课程中使用.

View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

住宅和商业地产数据库的研究, including sales, rents and mortgage loans. 网站、搜索引擎、电子邮件等网络基础也将被审查. Using fee versus free data.

View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

分析为房地产行业提供股权和抵押资金的不同金融机构. 对不动产抵押和其他不动产担保协议进行了深入探讨. 其他 emphasized topics include financial leverage, the secondary market, loan qualifications, 丧失抵押品赎回权, mortgage payment plans and financial math.

View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

Not open to undergraduate business majors. The basics of the real estate business, including ownership, 经纪公司, 评价, 投资, 融资, property 管理, and development.

View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

探讨在房地产投资评估中使用税后贴现现金流分析. Topics discussed include operating expenses, cost capitalization, federal tax law implications, depreciation, ownership forms, 以及不同的投资绩效指标,如IRR和NPV. 房屋所有权作为房地产投资也进行了探讨.

View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

Examines the use of the sales comparison, 收入, 以及专业估价师用来估计住宅物业市场价值的成本方法. 讨论了社会、经济、政治和物理因素对价值的影响. 探讨了住宅建设和建筑的一些方面. 住宅物业的形式评估报告将所提出的原则和概念联系在一起.

View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

调查不同的技术使用的专业估价师估计产生收入的财产的市场价值. 深入探讨了收入乘数和资本化率的使用及其与市场数据的偏差. 对产生收入的财产的叙述性评估用于整合所提出的原则和概念. 还探讨了行为的专业和道德标准.

View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details


View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details


View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details


View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

在之前批准的业务中有实际的市场营销相关经验. Firm for selected junior or senior students.

View Instructors, 教学大纲 and 其他 Details

Guidelines for Admittance


Application Deadlines

Undergraduate Priority Deadlines

Fall Semester - June 1
Spring Semester - November 15
Summer Semester - May 15

Admission Process Checklist

  1. 审查 Admission Requirements 针对特定人群的不同节目和指南(非传统), 转移, 瞬态, home school, joint enrollment students, 等).
  2. 审查 important deadlines:
    • Fall semester: June 1 (undergrads)
    • Spring semester: November 15 (undergrads)
    • Summer semester: May 15 (undergrads)
      See program specific calendars here
  3. Complete online application
    Undergraduate 招生 Guide

    Undergraduate Application

    Undergraduate International Application

  4. Submit $40 non-refundable application fee
  5. Submit official documents

    要求所有参加的学院或大学将所有正式成绩单和考试成绩直接发送到澳门新普京注册. 如果成绩单邮寄给你,它不能被视为正式的,如果它已经打开. 通过要求以电子方式发送成绩单来节省时间.

    Undergraduate & 研究生申请者应将所有正式成绩单寄至:
    Office of Undergraduate 招生, Murphy Building
    University of West Georgia
    1601 Maple Street
    卡罗敦, GA 30118-4160
  6. Submit a Certificate of Immunization, if required. 如果你永远不会前往澳门新普京注册校园或网站, you may apply for an Immunization Exemption. 联系 the Immunization Clerk with your request.
  7. 检查你的 Application Status


联系 the Office of 招生 for additional information.

Specific dates for 招生 (Undergraduate Only), Financial Aid, Fee Payment, Registration, Start/End of Term 日期, Final Exams, 等. are available in 独家报道.

具体的研究生入学截止日期可通过 Graduate School

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